2nd Day of the Dance

This should have gone out yesterday  but somehow I must have saved it as a draft. Well here it is.

Before they started using the new overflow sites basically those in overflow were squeezed into two files of 4 campers each and everyone had to move forward each day. What a pain. Now we get an overflow site and stay there until we get a non sewer site. I do miss the opportunity to chat with overflow neighbors each morning to see how many times they got up to turn the circuit breakers back on. But I do not miss it all that much. We were 8th on the list for a site yesterday and now we are 6th. The hot water tank leaked and now there is no hot water (for showers) in the Rec Hall until Monday. The inclination is to blame base maintenance but they probably can’t get whatever they need over the weekend.

Last night we went to the Gazebo for the Friday night hot dog roast. Bring your own hot dogs everything else is there. Guess this is the last one until after Lent for us anyway. Later three of the campers got out guitars (plus John also brought his Fiddle) and they played for the 25 or so of us who were there. Good time. I really wanted to sing but I thought that it was more important not to drive everyone away.



Gazebo, inside with John and his fiddle


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