Archive for March, 2008

Scottish Festival

Sunday, March 9th, 2008

Saturday found us at the Scottish Festival at Grace Church in Panama City. Tabor throwing, Hay Pitching and bagpipes.



Hay Pitching over the high bar


McGuires Pub Band


McGuires Pub Band


Gator Lakes Golf Course

Saturday, March 8th, 2008

Hulburt Field Air Force Base is home of the Air Force Special Operations Command. We played the Gator Lakes Golf Course on Base last Wednesday. Played well and scored well but were disappointed that none of the many alligators that we had seen on previous visits there were around(or at least that we could see)


Just off one of the fairways was an old burned out plane (I think a C-130) that we assumed was used for fire training.


Magnolia Grill

Friday, March 7th, 2008

On Wednesday we went up to Ft Walton to play golf at Hurlbert AFB and to have dinner with Leo and Lois. We had a coupon for a bottle of wine and one two for one dinner so the four of us got $47 off dinner. I love a deal.


Inside the grill. Upstairs was a museum(more later)



Thursday, March 6th, 2008

Last Thursday wight of us had dinner at Rodeo’s which had a Bluegrass band for 3 hours during dinner. And they do not kick you out after dinner so we got there at 5 PM and stayed until 8PM. Good stuff.


Alligators on the 8th tee

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

 In 7 years we had never seen gators in this spot behind the 8th tee although we had heard that a gator had lived there years ago. On Sunday we saw this guy.


Ole Tom and Old Roy

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

Sunday was a busy day. Breakfast at Corems (have to face away from the cooking area), Church, nap, Golf (95). On the eighth hole we saw our first gators on the course this year(more later). The real excitement was on the 18th fairway. A wild Tom Turkey and his ladies were crossing the fairway in front of us. I asked John if he knew the mating call of a turkey and he said:”As a matter of fact I do”. He then proceeded to whistle some nonsense and right before our eyes the Tom Turkey got attentive, faced us and started walking towards Roy. I started to take pictures while the Tom suddenly got aggressive and tried attacking Roy who got out a club and tried to run off the Tom with his golf bag. Then the Tom decided he didn’t like his picture taken so he came after me. I traded in my camera for a golf club and started banging it on my bag. Finally, ole Tom left.


That is Roy’s leg behind his golf bag


Around the Heritage Club

Saturday, March 1st, 2008

Better known as the old Officers Club although they have now changed the sign. Anyway inside the lobby are models of the two fighter planes that are use here at Tyndall. These are the F-22 on top and the F-15 on the bottom.


Just outside the club there is a nature trail. A sign warns all about alligators. Since we had not seen an alligator this year we were not worried. BUT guess what — two alligators. We couldn’t get close enough for good pictures but you get the idea.
