Archive for April, 2008
Wednesday, April 30th, 2008
My wife Betty’s home town on the south shore of Long Island. Below is La Grange now closed but a long time German restaurant. Also it was where we had out wedding reception.

A bird house in my brother in laws back yard. Just look at the length of that thing the bird is trying to get into the bird house. Look at the upper hole.

Posted in Eateries, New York, Now, NYC/LI, wild life | No Comments »
Tuesday, April 29th, 2008
The old toll booths. They used to collect tolls here and then parking at Jones Beach was included in that toll. Now you pay for parking at the parking field that you use and they do not collect tolls at the toll booths.

There is more to Jones Beach than the water tower but the tower and the traffic circle around it are identifiable as Jones Beach. The toll booths and the tower look the same as they did in the 1950’s. I grew up 5 miles east of this tower.

Posted in New York, Now, NYC/LI, Then | No Comments »
Monday, April 28th, 2008
I have been going to Stella’s for a very long time. It is a mandatory stop on the way down to Long Island and sometimes also going back. So I get there a couple of times a year. Bellmore, Long Island, NY.

Over the years they have been expanding and now part of Stella’s is almost a restaurant but the great variety pizza bar is still there.

Posted in New York, Now, NYC/LI, Then | No Comments »
Sunday, April 27th, 2008
From 4th to 12th grades this was my church and behind it was their grade school taught by the Sisters of Charity of Halifax. All of this in Bellmore, LI, NY. Started going here about 59 years ago. Hasn’t changed a bit.

Posted in New York, Now, NYC/LI, Then | No Comments »
Saturday, April 26th, 2008
We take the Throgs Neck Bridge
And from the Throgs Neck just to the west you can see the Whitestone Bridge and if you look close beyond that is the skyline of NYC

Posted in New York, Now, NYC/LI | No Comments »
Friday, April 25th, 2008
Cross Bronx bumper to bumper. At least going the other way

SUNY Maritime College. My nephew goes there.

Posted in New York, Now, NYC/LI | No Comments »
Thursday, April 24th, 2008
The toll booths. EZ Pass is a wonderful thing.


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Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008 for more info on the bridge. Seven Lanes wide

The Hudson from the Tappan Zee

Posted in New York, Now, NYC/LI | No Comments »
Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008
I should have added that the Name Tappan Zee comes from the name of the Tappan Indian Tribe that lived in the area and the Dutch word for wide expanse of water “Zee”
Some time ago I had pictures of Terns which I called Turns. Since I was taught spelling by nuns it was probably their fault. The good news is that a member of that same order gleefully brought the misspelling to my attention.
Posted in Georgia, Kings Bay, New York, Now, NYC/LI, wild life | No Comments »
Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008
We took 17 south to the Thruway. There was a steady stream of garbage trucks presumably going to our home town dump in Perinton. Keeps our taxes down.

Sticker shock just north of the Tappan Zee Bridge. Saw diesel at $4.75 on Long Island.

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