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More golf course

Tuesday, January 15th, 2008

The course sign behind the 9th green and in front of the club house which in years past had been the general’s house. As you can see the course is on the water.


Another pelican on the 7th hole of the course. A gator used to hang out on that island but he is not here this year.


Sense of humor abounds

Monday, January 14th, 2008

There is never a lost opportunity for a practical joke or an expression of a sense of humor.  We woke up one morning to find the following monster golf set sitting with our real golf clubs outside our trailer. We correctly guessed the source and found out she got them at a flea market for $1. Instead of giving them back it was decided to pass them on. They next went to our usual golf partners who were in overflow. They were received with the same enthusiasm as we showed and then they also passed them on. Besides the big clubs, there was a big ball and big tee and instructions on how to play monster golf

Last of the Beach for now

Saturday, January 12th, 2008

Do not know what this is or was. It was hard rubber, a cylinder, hollow, heavy and big with barnacles on the inside and outside.


Someone before us had made these sand chairs and couches. Complete with cup holdersimg_2128.JPG

More Beach

Friday, January 11th, 2008

Old washed up horseshoe crab shell


Base Helicopter overhead


Sand Dollar. Not as many as years past. At least so far.


The Beach

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

Boardwalk The Tyndall NCO Beach is miles and miles of great big wide beach with nothing on it except sand, shells and other stuff that washes up. It is called the NCO beach because the entrance to it is a half mile boardwalk that starts near what was once the NCO club. Above is the boardwalk.


Above is the beach looking East to South East. We walked about an hour in this direction and then back.

More wildlife on the golf course

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008


Turtles on the golf course

Wildlife on the golf course

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008


Blue Heron on a pond on the Tyndall Golf Course

Propane tanks

Tuesday, January 8th, 2008


Now: See the green indicator on the regulator. That says that the tank has propane in it. When the indicator is red then the tank is empty.


Monday, January 7th, 2008


Wild Turkeys on the golf course

Sunday, January 6th, 2008

Recreation Center at Tyndall AFB FamCamp
