Archive for the ‘beach’ Category
Saturday, March 15th, 2008A long day. Took John and Nancy and their daughter Barbara down 30A to Seaside. Wandered and then had lunch at Bud and Allys. Then drove through Watercolor and got back around 4 PM. Left at 5 PM for Friday Fest, a once a month downtown Panama City Festival (old cars, food, vendors and music). Went to St Andrews for dinner at Captain’s Table and then to the Granite Cafe for Green Beer except I opted for regular and Betty had wine. Got home at 10 PM.
The Gulf of Mexico was rough
Last of the Beach for now
Saturday, January 12th, 2008More Beach
Friday, January 11th, 2008The Beach
Thursday, January 10th, 2008 The Tyndall NCO Beach is miles and miles of great big wide beach with nothing on it except sand, shells and other stuff that washes up. It is called the NCO beach because the entrance to it is a half mile boardwalk that starts near what was once the NCO club. Above is the boardwalk.
Above is the beach looking East to South East. We walked about an hour in this direction and then back.